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Welcome to the New Year

| 01/08/2018 | Arts and Entertainment, Downtown Visalia, Family Friendly, Sequoia National Park, Things to Do

As we have left 2017 behind and are working through these first few days of the new year we want to invite you to celebrate 2018 and Visit Visalia! We have amazing events lined up for the coming year and we don't want you to miss out on any of them. 

Every month we post a blog about the exciting happenings in Visalia for the month and here is none other than our first blog of 2018!

  1. Fee Free Day at Sequoia National Park!-- How cool is it that our national parks honor important historical figures and waive the entrance fee for a few days each year?!?! Martin Luther King Jr. was a the most visible spokesperson in the Civil Rights Movement and should be celebrated in a peaceful place. Celebrate the life he brought to our nation among the towering and peaceful Giant Sequoia Trees.    For more information visit:

  2. The Sequoia Symphony Orchestra Presents: The Planets--If you want to hear some amazing music, you won't want to miss out on this opportunity to hear the Sequoia Symphony Orchestra! This month the Symphony will be performing a beautiful concierto by Holst called "The Planets and Ravel." For more information visit:

  3. Three Doors Down at the Visalia Fox-- Three Doors Down will be joining us right here in Visalia this season! In 2014 the band sold out their show in Visalia and this year is expected to do the same! The band's "Back Porch Tour" will feature some very special acoustic performances of their most popular songs and they are looking forward to playing in smaller, more intimate settings where they can really get to know their fans! For more information visit:

January Buzz 2018    

 If these events aren't enough to get you packing, check out this flyer of annual events: 

Annual Events 2018  

Sequoia Legacy Tree: A Downtown Treasure
Sequoia Legacy Tree: A Downtown Treasure
Visalia's Brewery District Tour
Visalia's Brewery District Tour
Shopping in Visalia
Shopping in Visalia
©2025 Visalia Convention & Visitors Bureau
P.O. Box 2734 Visalia, CA 93279
112 E Main St, Visalia, CA 93291
(800) 524-0303 : (559) 334-0141
Visitor Center Hours
Monday - Friday 8am-5pm